Tips, Tricks And Treats This Halloween
Lynsey Vaughan - Higher Nature Nutritional Therapist - Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr)
Halloween can be a great time to get kids involved in the kitchen, with loads of opportunities to be creative with “spooky” themed, delicious and nutritious snacks.
Try chopping whatever veggies you have in the fridge and task your little ones with making a skeleton out of the slices. There’s lots of inspiration to be found on the internet using sliced peppers, mushrooms, carrots and cucumber. Combine with their favourite dip for added taste and nutrition. Hummus or tzatziki are great options.
When carving up your pumpkins, remember what’s on the inside counts too! The flesh is high in fibre and rich in antioxidant compounds, including carotenoids. These are a precursor of Vitamin A which is crucial for healthy eyesight and immune function.
All foods can fit in a balanced diet, and no food should be demonised when trying to encourage a healthy relationship with food, however highly processed sweets can leave us feeling less than our best.
To make the most of this sweet holiday, try implementing some of the following tips:
- Eat normally throughout the day- try not to skip meals or snacks to “save calories” for later.
- One sweet treat you can feel zero hesitation letting your little ones enjoy; our Kids Vital Vits are a delicious way to make sure they’re not running short of essential vitamins and minerals.
- Have a delicious and satisfying dinner before heading out to Trick or Treat. Having protein, fat and fibre with, or particularly before, carbohydrates helps to slow the release of glucose into the blood.– This will help prevent that sugar rush and consequent crash!
- After the evening’s excitement is over, help your children wind down for a good night’s sleep with our Relax & Unwind. This tasty drink provides magnesium and L-theanine which both have a calming effect on the nervous system.
- Our Magnesium Effervescent is another great option for adults and children over 12. Each tablet provides 200mg of magnesium and dissolves in water for a delicious, naturally flavoured orange drink. Magnesium is involved in normal insulin secretion and is often low in the diet.
- Metabolic Balance is a fab choice at this time too. - Formulated with chromium which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels. Added essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals help to maintain a healthy metabolism to keep energy stable.
- Parents, if you feel out of control with lots of delicious treats and sugar in the house, some people find taking 1-2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water can help reduce cravings. We suggest using a paper straw to protect your tooth enamel.