If you are not satisfied with any Higher Nature product you can return the product unopened, undamaged and in its original packaging for a full refund at any time up to 30 days from the date you received it. If you wish to cancel your order in this way, you must confirm this by phoning / emailing us within 7 days of receipt of the product. We will advise you on how to return the product to Higher Nature.
In the unlikely event that any goods arrive damaged or opened, please let us know and we will replace your order. So that we can give you satisfaction as quickly as possible please call 0800 458 4747 BEFORE returning a product. Remember to enclose your name and address when returning a product to the following address:
Higher Nature, FREEPOST RUBG-KZCH-UHZK,10 Discovery Way, Horam, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 0GE, United Kingdom
If you'd like to ask us a question about the website or our products, please email our customer services department.