Focus on men's health
Higher Nature Nutrition Team
Here we address four male concerns and offer a few helpful tips to keep you feeling great and looking good no matter what age.
Hair loss
Androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, is linked to changes in male hormones but genetic factors also play a role, leaving some men more susceptible to it. An excess of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes the hair follicles to shrink, which results in thinner hair and eventual baldness. Stress is one of the factors thought to exacerbate this condition, so supporting the body through stressful times could be helpful. Rhodiola is a medicinal herb that has been used traditionally to alleviate stress and anxiety. This, together with the B vitamins and magnesium, are key nutrients for supporting the adrenal glands through stressful periods.
Prostate health
The prostate can be a troublesome gland as men age, although thankfully many are now aware that they need to keep an eye on this aspect of their health. An urgent desire to urinate, together with difficulty in passing urine is often an indication of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. The hormone dihydrotestosterone is implicated in the progression of this condition. Looking after your prostate should involve a healthy diet that includes foods rich in zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and the omega 3 essential fatty acids. Make sure you add oily fish, flax seeds, fruit, vegetables and pumpkin seeds to your daily menu.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is likely to affect most men at some point and is in part due to hormonal changes. Other factors, such as poor circulation and stress, can also play a role. However, common causes are smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which are easily remedied! Nutrients that encourage circulation to the sex organs include arginine and ginkgo. Soy isoflavones flax seeds can also be helpful for balancing hormones.
Startling statistics show us that 76% of suicides are men. It is also the biggest cause of death for males under 35. Mental health is an issue that men find difficult to discuss, however once identified, making changes to diet and lifestyle can bring significant improvements. Some studies have shown that individuals deficient in omega 3 fatty acids have an increased risk of mood disorders including depression. Supplementing with 1,050mg/day EPA and 150mg/day DHA over eight weeks has been found to markedly improve symptoms of depression.